Navigate Destiny Discover

You can start discovering your library's resources right from the homepage.

Use the Destiny Discover header options

Use the Destiny Discover header, available on any page, to access a variety of functions, Help, or to log in or out.

There are two different versions of the header, depending on how Destiny is set up at your district:

  • If you see the Applications icon Applications icon. in the top-right, your district has enabled the new user experience feature.
    Header with Applications icon highlighted.
  • If you see "Hi, [user name]," the new user experience is not enabled.
    Header with greeting highlighted.

Note: For more information on enabling the new user experience, see Destiny Back Office Help.

Use the following table to navigate the header options, based on the version you see:

Note: Some options depend on your access level and how your school set up Destiny Discover.

If you want to access...

And the new user experience is enabled
(you see Applications icon. in the top-right )

And the new user experience is not enabled
(you see "Hi, [username]" in the top-right)

Checkouts, history, holds, favorites, or fines

Select My Stuff, and then the appropriate option.


Select Applications icon. > Collections.

Click Collections.

Your profile

Click Profile icon. (or the icon you previously selected for your profile).

Click Profile icon.i (or the icon you previously selected for your profile).

Discover Admin

Select Applications icon. > Discover Admin.

Select More > Admin.

Destiny Back Office (where librarians perform administrative tasks, including circulation, reports, catalog management, and settings)

Select Applications icon. > Back Office.

Select More > Back Office.

Note: District users can also access District Back Office.


Select More > Widgets.


Do one of the following (varies based on access level permissions):

  • Select More > Help.

  • Click Help.

Another school in the district

Select Site selection icon., and then choose a school.

  1. Select More > Back Office.
  2. In the header, next to the name of the school, click Site selection icon., and then the school name you want to switch to.


The Search bar appears at the top of every page. Type a keyword (title, author, or topic), and then press Enter or Return, or click Search icon. to search for library resources.

Browse Featured Content

Browse the carousels for a quick way to explore some of your library's featured resources. Click SEE ALL to access all the resources in a category.

Note: The carousels that appear are based on the library resources your school has and how the homepage is customized.

Featured Content carousel.

  • Recently Added Books: Lets you view the newest 15 books added to your collection.
  • Popular Titles: Displays the 10 most popular books read at your school.
  • Topics: Shows topics or genres (such as fairy tales, biography, sports), which you can select to perform a predefined search.
  • eBooks: Includes all eBooks in your collection.
  • Interactive eBooks: Shows all interactive eBooks in your collection, including Lightbox™ titles.
  • Audiobooks: Includes all audiobooks in your collection.
  • Lightbox: Displays all Lightbox titles in your collection.
  • Collections: Includes groups of curated resources from Collections by Destiny that are shared with your school or district.
  • Learning Resources: Includes links to One Search™ databases and custom links.
  • Custom: Lets you view carousels set up by your librarian.