View title information

If you find a title you want to learn more about, you can access information from its Title Preview and title details pages.


  • Title Preview and title details are available for print and digital titles. They are not available for database resources (WebPath Express and One Search).
  • Information varies by title.
  • The availability of some options depends on access level permissions and how Destiny Discover is configured at your school.

To access a resource's Title Preview:

From the search results or homepage, click a cover image. Title Preview appears.

Title Preview.

From Title Preview, you can access the following options:

  • Title information, including an overview, author, and call number.
  • Hold/Unhold
  • Checkout (Follett eBooks and Follett Audiobooks only)
  • Play (Audiobooks only)
  • Open (eBooks only)
  • Forward and back arrows (let you scroll through search results)

Click More Options icon. to access:

Note: Destiny Discover Engage users will also see options to add a title to a challenge or program.

To access a resource's title details:

From Title Preview, click View More Details. The title details page appears.

Title Details.

From a title's details page, you can access the following features (in addition to the options in Title Preview):

  • Log in (if you are not already logged in)
  • Additional title information, such as author notes, a table of contents, and first chapter or excerpt (requires a subscription to TitlePeek™).
  • Explore: Find other resources with the same subject, author, curriculum tag, or series.
  • Reviews: View professional reviews (requires a subscription to TitlePeek) and those submitted by patrons in your district; or submit your own review.
  • Awards (if applicable): See a list of awards the title has received.
  • Copies: View the copies owned by your school or district, and their status, call number, barcode, and location.

    Note: You must have the appropriate permission to see copies owned by other schools in the district.

  • Citations: Cite the resource.
  • Similar Titles: See suggested titles in your collection.