Promote access to Destiny Discover

Destiny Discover makes it easy to help students and teachers find library resources from the places they go everyday.

Option When to use

Destiny Discover as your homepage

In the library, do you have computers or devices students access? Set the browser homepage to go directly to your Destiny Discover homepage.

Desktop shortcut

Do you have school-issued tablets, desktops in the library, or computer labs? Work with your IT team to deploy Destiny Discover as a desktop shortcut. asdf

Link or widget on your school, library, or class webpage

Do your students and teachers frequently visit your school, library or a class webpage? A link or widget from those locations lets you guide students to the library catalog from a place they are used to accessing.

Guide students to an easy-to-remember URL, where they pick your school from a list to access the library catalog.

Destiny Discover app

The Destiny Discover app lets you quickly search for all library content. Open, read, check out, download, and return eBooks – all from the convenience of your iOS or Android device. You can also see all the library materials you have checked out, along with the due dates.

Access to a specific Destiny Discover resource with QR codes and permalinks

Do you want to let students know about a new, popular eBook you just got in? Why not get creative – hang posters in the cafeteria with a Quick Response (QR) code that lets them use their phone to go right to its Title Details page in Destiny?

Do you want to give students a direct link to the title details of a specific resource? Do that with a permalink.

Share library resources to other learning platforms

If students access a learning management system (LMS) or learning object repository (LOR), you can give them convenient access to specific library resources. For example, a teacher can share an eBook within their LMS course that students can open without an additional login (as long as there is a copy available).