Adjust circulation data in the Popular Titles carousel on the homepage

The Popular Titles carousel that can be shown on the homepage includes the top 10 books read in your collection by patron and material type. You can enable or disable this category.

To adjust the circulation data included in the Popular Titles carousel:

  1. In Destiny Back Office, select Admin > Site Configuration > Catalog sub-tab.
  2. In the Top 10 Titles section, do any of the following:
    If you want to...Then...

    Include or exclude circulations identified as "in-library use"

    Note: "In-library use" is an option you can select during checkout for materials used within the library.

    Select or deselect the Count in-library use circulations checkbox.

    Count circulations of only specific patron types

    1. Next to Count circulations of these patron types: [included patron types], click Update.
    2. Select or deselect the appropriate Patron Types.
    3. Click OK.

    Count circulations of only specific material types

    1. Next to Count circulations of these material types: [included material types], click Update.
    2. Select or deselect the appropriate Material Types.
    3. Click OK.

    Include circulations in a specific call number range

    1. Select the Count circulations of this call number range checkbox.
    2. In the From and to fields, specify a call number range. Type at least 3 digits of each Dewey number or a complete call number prefix.
  3. Click Save.