Run Follett Digital reports

You can access valuable data about your Follett Digital content with reports.

To run Follett Digital reports:

  1. Go to Discover Admin
  2. Click Reports.
  3. Click the button for the report of your choice.
  4. Select any limiters or options.
  5. Click Run Report.
  6. When the report status is Completed, click Action and then select View.

The following table describes the available reports:

Report Name Description

eContent Usage Statistics Report

View usage statistics for Follett Digital content for today, this month, and this school year. Circulation statistics for Follett eBooks and audiobooks include:

  • Checkouts: Number of titles checked out.
  • Read Online: Number of times titles not checked out were opened.
  • Notes: 

    • If you open a title, and then check it out in the same session, it only counts as a checkout.
    • If you open a title that is not currently checked out to you multiple times, each instance is counted in the Read Online statistics.

The report also includes Digital Resource Views, which lists the number of times Lightbox™ titles and third-party digital content purchased from Follett was accessed.

Note: If you are running this report for the district, you can choose to view statistics for all schools or an individual school.

Current Checkouts Report

View current checkouts of Follett eBooks and audiobooks sorted by patron. Limit the report by checkout type, patron type, material type, due date, out date, and last name. Report includes date out and date due.

eContent Usage Report

View historical usage of Follett Digital content. Report includes Patron Name, Patron Type, Source, Title, Date, and Type. Limit the report by:

  • Date: Enter a date range.
  • Material Type: All, Follett eBook, Public Library eBook, Audiobook, or Interactive eBook.

    Note: Interactive eBooks include Lightbox titles and third-party digital content purchased from Follett.

  • Checkout Type: 
    • All
    • Online: Checked-out Follett eBooks or audiobooks
    • Read/Play Online: Follett eBooks and audiobooks that were opened, but not checked out, as well as Lightbox titles and third-party digital content purchased from Follett that were accessed.

      Note: Lightbox and third-party digital content shows as Accessed.

  • Patron Type: Limit to a specific Destiny patron type, such as students or faculty.
  • Last Name: Enter a range of last names, or to view data for a specific student, type the same last name in both fields.

Note: If you are running this report for the district, you can choose to view statistics for all schools or an individual school.

Limited Term eBooks Report

See the current status of any limited-term eBook titles you own. For example, if you own a 26-checkout limit book, see how many checkouts remain. Limit by Title, Author, Publisher, Remaining Checkouts, and/or Date Added.

Note: This report is only available at the site level.

Titles Report

List all of your Follett Digital titles. Limit by Title, Author, Material Type, Publisher, Year, Date Added, and/or Category.

Note: If you are running this report for the district, you can choose to view statistics for all schools or an individual school.

Invoice Report

Review Follett eBook and audiobook titles, ordered by Follett invoice number (if ordered after November 2012). Includes title, author, ISBN, and number of copies. Limit by date.

Subscribed Sites Report

View the schools in the district that are currently set up to distribute Follett Digital content and receive policies.

Note: This report is only available if you manage Follett Digital from the district level.