Add custom text, images, videos, and links to the homepage

You can add content to the top of your Destiny Discover homepage to include text, images, videos, and/or links. This makes it easy to promote upcoming events, and give one-click access to quality websites/databases.

The top of the homepage can be organized by columns:

Homepage with callouts for Columns A and B.

  • Column A (optional): Use the content editor to add text, images, videos, and links.
  • Column B (required): Choose one of the following:
    • Use the content editor to add text, images, videos, and links.
    • Add visual Learning Resources to include configured One Search™ databases and/or custom links.

      Note: You can also add Learning Resources as a Featured Content category.

To add, edit, or hide columns:

  1. Go to Discover Admin.
  2. Select Display Options > Featured Content.
  3. Use the Hidden checkbox to show or hide Column A. A preview of the layout appears on the right side of the page.
    Column A and B set up with Hidden checkoxes selected and the layout preview.
  4. To work with content in Column A:
    1. For the title, click Edit icon., type or edit the title, and then click Save icon..
    2. For the content, click Edit icon., use the content editor to add or edit content, and then click Ok. In addition to text, you can add links, upload an image, or embed a video using its URL.

      Note: The maximum image size is 7 MB.

      Content editor with icons for adding links, uploading an image and embedding a video highlighted.

  5. To add Learning Resources or content in Column B:
    1. Do one of the following:
      If you want to...Then...
      Add One Search resources and/or custom URLs

      Select the Learning Resources option.

      Add or edit a section of custom content (text, images, videos, links)Select the [title] option, and then follow steps 4a and b.
    2. If you selected the Learning Resources option, click to view the links, and then use the following table to determine your next steps:

      If you want to...


      Add a custom link

      1. Click + New Resource Link.
      2. Type a Display Name.
      3. Type or paste a link in the Link to URL field.
      4. Type a Description (optional).
      5. To add an image to show with the link, click the default image, and browse to an image file you have saved (optional).
      6. Click Save Resource Link.

        New Resource LInk pop-up.

      Edit a custom link

      1. Next to the link you want to edit, click Edit icon..
      2. Edit any of the fields.
      3. Click Save Resource Link.

      Delete a custom link

      1. Next to the link you want to delete, click Delete icon.. A pop-up appears.
      2. To confirm the deletion, click Delete Resource Link.

      Add a One Search database

      One Search databases are configured in Destiny Library Manager. In order for a database to show as a Learning Resource in Destiny Discover, make sure the Display in Destiny Discover Homepage Links Section checkbox is selected in the One Search configuration for that database.

      Note: For instructions on setting up One Search, see Destiny Help or Follett Community.

    3. Click Done.
  6. At the bottom of the Featured Content page, click Save.

Learn about other ways to customize Destiny Discover.