Use the Table of Contents

A Table of Contents is available in most eBooks and audiobooks. Use the Table of Contents to see the sections or chapters of the book, and to quickly navigate between them.

To access and use the Table of Contents:

  1. Hover over the top of your eBook or audiobook, or select any eBook page.
  2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Table of Contents icon.. A Table of Contents pop-up appears.
    Table of Contents pop-up.
  3. Do any of the following:

    If you want to...


    Go to a specific chapter or section

    1. Scroll though the list of options until you find the one you want.
    2. Select an option to go directly to that place in the book.

    Go to a specific page

    1. In the Go To page field, type the page number.
    2. Click Go.


  • Some eBooks and audiobooks do not have a Table of Contents.
  • Click X to close the Main Menu.