Select educational standards

With Collections by Destiny®, you can attach a standard to any collection you own. You can even search for other collections aligned to a particular standard. Use Destiny Discover Admin to select among state, national, and Canadian Provincial standards that support your district's curriculum.

To select specific standards for your school:

Note: A Destiny Administrator or district user can push settings to any or all schools in your district.

  1. Log in to Destiny Discover, and then click More > Admin.

    Note: If you do not see the More drop-down, select Menu icon. > Admin.

  2. Click Educational Standards.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select the individual standards you want to use.
    • Click Select All to choose all the standards listed.

    Note: The state standard available is based on your Destiny information. For example, if you are in California, you will only see that state option.

  4. Click Save.